La Importancia de la Conservación del Ártico: Un Oso Polar Dormido en un Iceberg es Premiado

A picture of a young polar bear falling asleep on an iceberg has won the People's Choice Award at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year in the UK. The photo was captured by British amateur photographer Nima Sarikhani in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, a region that has been particularly affected by global warming.

Mr. Sarikhani said he wanted the photograph to inspire hope and show that there is still time to "fix the disaster we have caused" by the human-induced climate crisis. The image won in a public vote that saw a record 75,000 nature and photography enthusiasts choose their favorite image from a list of 25 images.

Dr. Douglas Gurr, director of the Natural History Museum, which organizes the annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, said the image is a visual representation of the impacts of climate change and habitat loss.

After three days searching for polar bears in thick fog in Svalbard, the expedition ship that Mr. Sarikhani was traveling on changed course to where there was still some sea ice and they encountered two of these animals.

Just before midnight, a young male climbed onto a small iceberg and used its paws to scrape the ice and create a bed for itself, allowing Mr. Sarikhani to capture the moment when the bear fell asleep.

Dr. Gurr said Mr. Sarikhani's image allows us to see "the beauty and fragility of our planet." This image reminds us of the integral connection between an animal and its habitat and serves as a visual representation of the negative impacts of climate warming and habitat loss.

In addition to the polar bear image, four more photos were highlighted among voters, such as the interaction between a pond turtle and a dragonfly, and a formation of starlings in flight that resembled a bird. Two lionesses grooming a cub and two jellyfish illuminated by the northern lights in a Norwegian fjord were also highly recommended finalists in the public voting.

The shortlist for the People's Choice Award was selected by the Natural History Museum and a panel of international judges from approximately 50,000 images submitted for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.

The five images will be displayed online and at the Natural History Museum in London until June 30, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the winning image of the People's Choice Award at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year in the UK?
The winning image is of a young polar bear falling asleep on an iceberg.

2. Who captured the photo?
The photo was captured by British amateur photographer Nima Sarikhani.

3. Where was the photo taken?
The photo was taken in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean.

4. What message did the photographer wish to convey with this image?
The photographer wished to inspire hope and show that there is still time to fix the disasters caused by the climate crisis.

5. How was the winning image chosen?
The winning image was chosen through a public vote in which 75,000 nature and photography enthusiasts participated.

6. What did the director of the Natural History Museum say about the image?
The director of the Natural History Museum stated that the image visually represents the impacts of climate change and habitat loss.

7. Where can the selected images be seen?
The five selected images will be displayed online and at the Natural History Museum in London until June 30, 2024.


– Global warming: Increase in the average temperature of the Earth due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily caused by human activities.
– Sea ice: Layer of ice that forms on the surface of the Arctic Ocean and other polar regions due to the freezing of seawater.

Related Links:

Natural History Museum in London

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